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“Let’s Remember” Interviews with local Veterans

Inspiring interviews with a few veterans in and around our community. Join us, as they share tidbits from their experiences while serving in the military. We hope this provides you with a sense of connection to those who have served locally and a sense of pride in their protection of our country.

Today Paul Desrosiers speaks about his time served in the Army.
“I also served two 6 month tours in Bosnia-Herzegovina in 1997 and 2001. I managed a 40-man workshop to establish a stabilization force.”

Bert Berthelette speaks about his time served in the Navy.

“I provided 75 years of Legion service and am the only surviving WWII member from this area.”

Randy Thomas speaks about his time served in the Army.

“Today new vets struggle with awareness of what a vet is. All veterans need to recognize their status is with the time they served.”